Got to Use the Good Energy

I must admit, it’s been an excellent start to what looks to be a promising week. Sunday was a pretty much all day beach day, but not before I managed to get in an early two hours of football (soccer). I usually play football in the afternoon every Sunday. When I heard that there was a relaxing beach day planned, I had to find a morning game which meant rolling out of bed really early and onto the football pitch. We topped off the day with a barbecue dinner, grilling some chicken and lamb….protein, though I did experience a few bumps in the day with regard to my nutrition, munching on some pretzels and a few Jelly Beans. Overall though, it was a day filled with good energy, good people, great exercise, and good nutritionally healthy food. Which leads me to today, Monday, another good day in my health, life and fitness journey, completing a solid chest, biceps, and abbs workout in the process. The past two days especially Sunday made me remember the importance of creating and enjoying good, positive energy from which to draw further energy and strength to be utilized during and stimulate the journey for the rest of the week.