Giving Thanks Happy

My sister’s in-laws have a tradition that at thanksgiving dinner everyone says what they are thankful for over the past year. The first person starts with their thankfulness and then passes the buck to whomever they want, and so it goes until everyone has had a turn. It’s sort of like a mass confession of thankfulness. Naturally, my sister has adopted this tradition for the thanksgiving dinner she hosts (especially when any if her in-laws are present) which I have been blessed to be a part of over the last few years. 

What always amazes me is the fact that absolutely everyone has several or many things to be thankful for (and not just the being alive point which in itself is thanks worthy), no matter how difficult of a year experienced. Personally, I’ve had a difficult year, but at the same time have lots to be thankful for. Thanksgiving, for me, isn’t only a time to reflect on all the things I’m thankful for over the year, rather a reminder to remain grateful and thankful on a daily basis for the many good things and experiences as well. Being thankful, I find, is a way to appreciate what I do have, achievements and more. It’s almost like a grounding and base to work from. It’s not a finish line. It’s the stat line. Happy Thanksgiving all, may we continue to give thanks for what we have, and have even more to continue to be thankful for!!!

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